Entries in expansive (1)


Spaciousness - the link with resoration and energy? 

A bit of space. ... as essential as water and sleep.

I sat with a 24 year old having lunch on the 8th floor overlooking London.   They were visiting London and I normally see them with their parents.  The conversation was stimulating, inspiring, it was a work day - a client had been called to a team day so I had the morning to myself and had given myself the afternoon off anyway.   I'd managed to resist filling every moment with essential things to do.  

We have phrases "my back is up against it", "I need some headspace", "if one more person asks for a piece of me"  ..... maybe sometimes thats a signal that we are partly craving space.

Open space, high places, green places, nature, talking a walk, cycling, sitting in the garden, being lost in music, going to the gym, reading, listening to a brook babbling  ......  going to a coffee shop on our own, unplanned and unfilled time...

Does this resonate?  Are you hungry and thirsty for an expansive life.  Choices - every day many choices.  When we say we don't have choice - we do.

Every time I get intentional about creating space - I think why dont I do this more often!  How many times do I need to learn?!  - I guess you know that feeling? We know the benefits. My high places lunch, meandering conversation, a walk in the pouring rain  - I was restored, energised, inspired and envisioned.   Oh my - I could have caught up on my emails, ticked off a long  overdue "to do list"  and used the time "wisely and well"..  

Thank goodness I created space, for when we do - everything can happen! 

I invite you to do what you need for you - very soon.  Be restored and energised, be surprised...my hunch is you'll be grateful you did.