Reflect, Focus, Task

Great tag line - once again voiced by a great client!
What does it say to you for your situation?
Give it some reflection and focus, then - what's the task? Let's keep it simple.
Great tag line - once again voiced by a great client!
What does it say to you for your situation?
Give it some reflection and focus, then - what's the task? Let's keep it simple.
A bit of space. ... as essential as water and sleep.
I sat with a 24 year old having lunch on the 8th floor overlooking London. They were visiting London and I normally see them with their parents. The conversation was stimulating, inspiring, it was a work day - a client had been called to a team day so I had the morning to myself and had given myself the afternoon off anyway. I'd managed to resist filling every moment with essential things to do.
We have phrases "my back is up against it", "I need some headspace", "if one more person asks for a piece of me" ..... maybe sometimes thats a signal that we are partly craving space.
Open space, high places, green places, nature, talking a walk, cycling, sitting in the garden, being lost in music, going to the gym, reading, listening to a brook babbling ...... going to a coffee shop on our own, unplanned and unfilled time...
Does this resonate? Are you hungry and thirsty for an expansive life. Choices - every day many choices. When we say we don't have choice - we do.
Every time I get intentional about creating space - I think why dont I do this more often! How many times do I need to learn?! - I guess you know that feeling? We know the benefits. My high places lunch, meandering conversation, a walk in the pouring rain - I was restored, energised, inspired and envisioned. Oh my - I could have caught up on my emails, ticked off a long overdue "to do list" and used the time "wisely and well"..
Thank goodness I created space, for when we do - everything can happen!
I invite you to do what you need for you - very soon. Be restored and energised, be hunch is you'll be grateful you did.
We live in busy times, a complex world, fast technology, information overload, ever changing organisations - endless possibilities.
What are your stress signals to yourself?
Sometimes we don't even notice, as it all creeps up, tiredness, irritability, diary overload to mention just a few - in that very moment it's more difficult to do the things which we know energise and replenish us. We have stopped doing the things which help us keep "balance".
We all know what we need to do - the time just isn't there to do it!
There doesn't feel a choice?
However, before it affects your health too detrimentally or if it already is. On a scale of 1 to 10, how stressed are you? Breathe deeply, be honest with yourself .....
What is is costing you? What do you want to change?
Take good care of yourself first, you are important ( ....and you can lead others and be all you need to be, if you are in better "condition"). Support yourself be at your best - you deserve to enjoy the best you!
We can be in a hurry to develop, grow and succeed.
Have you noticed when you are at your developmental best?
Could be - the challenges, the hard times, a conversation with a peer, our boss or a direct report, a Board member, a new role, a new organisation, an exciting opportunity, a leadership programme, a Ted talk, a great book, an article, a coaching session, difficult work relationships - that resonates with us about our development and strikes a cord? That moves us to self awareness or action.
Sometimes we just want our circumstances to change and know that the change starts within, with ourselves. Sometimes we want to make the most of a new opportunity.
So a moment to think - what methods have given you the most fulfilling development in your professional and personal life.
With that insight ..... enjoy your thoughts and answer your own personal question.
Is my growth linear?
So where do you prefer to be?
Are you embracing change, in transition, achieving and stretching yourself to new aspirations?
The other day I realised there were a few things I needed to change, there were some signs that as my life and business has grown - there were area' s I wanted to develop or tweak. "What got me here wont get me there " as the title of the Marshall Goldsmith book goes!
Indeed, where are you now? In a pool of contentment or on a path with stepping stones?
Are you moving or static? Are you making conscious choices and plans? Is this a time for you to dream, replenish or take action. What's your answer?