Entries in Coaching (4)


Leadership - it's all about leadership?

Stop  ......  press pause just for a moment

Then ..... smile and take a deep breath

What's one of your favourite leadership pieces of advice ........ thought about it?

So what advice would you give yourself right now ?  Yes...in view of that advice that you might give to others,  what is the golden nugget for yourself  - in terms of your leadership. Relevant for you right now?

One of my thoughts - is really get to know yourself, deepan your self - awareness ... so how well can you describe your leadership style?  What can you do that's small and manageable to know more?  Dig deeper?

Try it out, expand your leadership range and observe the results!



What if?

What if ...... it was easier than I thought

What if ........ in one conversation it was better and in two it was resolved

What if ..... I felt more confident

What if ...... I felt less stressed

What if ..... I was doing things the way I felt I was born to do them

What if ...... work became easier

What if ..... people around me were inspired and noticed a difference in me

What if ......... those things I wanted to get around to doing, I was achieving regularily

What if ......... things that were once hard to say,  become "comfortable" and actually releasing

What if  ....... I  could see I was on a path to fulfillment and satisfaction 

If it was easier, quicker more possible than you thought - would you  be taking action?

I know I can put obstacles in my way, stop progress, procrastinate on things I really want in life as sometimes my eyes are on the obstacles, the difficulties - not the potential and not always the possibilities! 

Then when its done or achieved - I think why didn't I do that earlier?  A client said to me the other week I'm learning to "reduce the dither time"

So - What is your What if  ? - you do know what to do ....... ( to reduce the dither time!!) 



Be at your best ...... make it happen!


I loved this,  that a client said to me the other week:

"The best thing I can be is me at my best"


 Many years ago a fabulous coach asked me:

"What are the conditions for success"?     


I can still remember the question and what we were discussing. So connecting these two thoughts together.


What are the conditions for success for you to be at your best?

Take just 2 moments now to answer that question for YOU....


Coaching is all about possibilities, opportunities, potential and making it happen - action by action, step by step.  Enjoying the experience along the way, insightfulness  - all moving you towards what you want - whether at work, leading your organisation/department/team, moving to the next phase in your career or business, regaining a balance in your life that you're happy with, improving relationships and situations that are wearing you down....or whatever?

Make reading this count for you!    Be at your best and what do you need to make it happen?  Take a step, just a small step towards it - doing it today is a choice that you have, choose YOU! 


Possibilities and Problems


I know from my experience how busy Chief Executives/ Directors/ Leaders are usually dealing with one of two things, if not both

 - not having enough "head space" to think about possibilities

 - or juggling too many problems to think about creative solutions "spinning too many plates"

I support leaders with that so they can achieve tangible outcomes. 

What will support you, both to dream and get life under control, for you to achieve what really matters to you and your organsiation? What action will you take?